Դիտել բոլոր նորությունները

Միջազգային նախագծեր - ARMDOCT


ARMDOCT project aims at Reforming Doctoral Education in Armenia in line with the Salzburg
Principles with the emphasis on policy, legal framework (including by-laws) and institutional
procedures supporting integrative and internationally-oriented doctoral studies involving
universities, research institutions and industry.

The project duration is 36 months (2020-2023).

Project AM partners

  • Eurasia International University (Armenia) (EIU) (Coordinator)
  • French University in Armenia (UFAR)
  • Armenian State Pedagogical University named after Khachatur Abovian (ASPU)
  • Yerevan State Medical University (YSMU)
  • Vanadzor State University named after Hovhannes Tumanyan (VSU)
  • Yerevan Brusov State University of Languages and Social Sciences (YSULS)
  • Yerevan State University (YSU)
  • National Polytechnic University of Armenia (NPUA)
  • Institute for Informatics and Automation Problems of the National Academy of Sciences
  • of the Republic of Armenia (IIAP)
  • International Scientific-Educational Center of NAS RA (ISEC)
  • The Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sport of the Republic of Armenia (MESCS)
Project EU partners
  • Catholic University of Portugal (UCP) (Portugal)
  • University of Teramo (UNITE) (Italy)
  • Jean Moulin University Lyon 3 (JML3U) (France)
  • Vilnius University (VU) (Lithuania)
The action foresees
  • strengthening strategic, infrastructural & human capacities in Higher Education Institutions
    (HEIs) and Institutes of the National Academy of Sciences (SRIs), the Ministry of Education,
    Science, Culture and Sport of the Republic of Armenia;
  • development of national new policy and legal framework, including by-laws for doctoral
    education in Armenia and further approval by national Ministry for pilot implementation;
  • revision of institutional policies, procedures based on the redesigned national regulatory
    framework and design of the Institutional Handbook for Doctoral Education;
  • establishment and operationalization of 5 Doctoral Schools creating synergies between
    HEIs, SRIs and industry;
  • promotion of networking and long-term cooperation between Armenian and European HEIs
    for further internationalization of higher education research in Armenia.
2024թ. սեպտեմբերի 20-ին ժ.12:00-ին Ինֆորմատիկայի և ավտոմատացման պրոբլեմների ինստիտուտում անցկացվելու է 2024/2025թթ. ուսումնական տարվա հեռակա ուսուցման ասպիրանտուրայի ընդունելության մասնագիտական քննություն՝ ըստ Ե.13.04, Ե.13.05 մասնագիտությունների:
Ընդունելության ծրագիրը

We invite the attention of Research and Educational institutions, Technological and other organizations involved in high-performance computing and big data analysis.

The Institute for Informatics and Automation Problems (IIAP) of the NAS RA and the Enterprise Incubator Foundation, with support of the Ministry of High-Tech Industry of the Republic of Armenia, are pleased to announce the availability of the "Aznavour" supercomputer's resources in the #EngineeringCity for a free during 2024.

To register, please visit:

  • 0014, ք. Երևան, Հայաստանի Հանրապետություն, Պ.Սևակ 1
  • Հեռ.: (+37410) 28-20-50
  • Էլ. փոստ: iiap@sci.am