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Information Theory and Statistical Models Department

Head of Department:    Mariam Haroutunian

Phone:  (+37460) 623546


In the department fundamental research in the fields of probabilistic Shannon information theory, classical and quantum statistics, modeling of multi - scale physical-chemical processes is carried out. Important results of research in this direction started in 60-ies of the last century are given in monograph [1]. Selected publications in the past five years are given in the list.


  • Reliability Criterion in Information Theory

    Head of Direction    Dr., prof. Mariam Haroutunian

    See more  

  • Mathematical and Applied Statistics

    Head of Direction    PhD P. Hakobyan

    See more  

  • Modeling of Multiscale Physical-Chemical Processes

    Head of Direction    Dr. Ashot Gevorkyan

    See more  

  Current Projects

  1. Investigation of mathematical-statistical refined models of certain objects using information-theoretical methods and applications
  2. Information-theoretic analysis of identification and authentication for biometric applications

Selected Publications

The defense will take place during the meeting of the Specialized Council 037 “Informatics” at the Institute for Informatics and Automation Problems of NAS of RA on 15 July 2024 at 14.00. (See Abstract: Karen Karapetyan –
Construction of complete caps in affine AG(n, 3) and projective PG (n, 3) geometrics)

  • 0014, Yerevan, Republic of Armenia, 1, P. Sevak str.
  • Phone: (+37410) 28-20-50
  • E-mail: