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Recent State-funded Projects

  • Development and support of Armenian research and educational computer network 
  • Investigation of closed accessible set systems and their applications (Thematic grant), 2013-2015
  • Investigations of logical systems and their applications to automated translation algorithms and electronic circuits testing (Thematic grant), 2013-2015
  • New algorithms for processing bio-metric dates and their applications insecurity system (Thematic grant), 2013-2015
  • Investigation of adjusted mathematical-statistical models for certain objects by information theory methods, and their applications (Thematic grant), 2013-2015
  • Creation of optimal structures of information exchange of multiprocessor systems based on analytical research (Thematic grant), 2013-2015
  • Investigations of testing algorithms’ logical and algebraic representations for algorithmic systems and memory schemas (Thematic grant), 2011-2013
  • Approximation algorithmic research on novel, open and hard combinatorial optimization problems (Thematic grant), 2011-2013
  • Informational theoretical analyses of identification and validation for biometrical applications (Thematic grant), 2011-2013
  Bi-lateral Projects


  • Mathematical Enhancement of Green Autonomous Networking, 2013-2015


  • Development of models of partial precedent for classification and regression problems, 2013-2015
  • The study of publication activity and scientific relations of scientists of Armenia and Russia on the basis of citation databases, 2014-2015
The defense will take place during the meeting of the Specialized Council 037 “Informatics” at the Institute for Informatics and Automation Problems of NAS of RA on 15 July 2024 at 14.00. (See Abstract: Karen Karapetyan –
Construction of complete caps in affine AG(n, 3) and projective PG (n, 3) geometrics)

  • 0014, Yerevan, Republic of Armenia, 1, P. Sevak str.
  • Phone: (+37410) 28-20-50
  • E-mail: