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Recent International Projects - ARMDOCT


ARMDOCT project aims at Reforming Doctoral Education in Armenia in line with the Salzburg
Principles with the emphasis on policy, legal framework (including by-laws) and institutional
procedures supporting integrative and internationally-oriented doctoral studies involving
universities, research institutions and industry.

The project duration is 36 months (2020-2023).

Project AM partners

  • Eurasia International University (Armenia) (EIU) (Coordinator)
  • French University in Armenia (UFAR)
  • Armenian State Pedagogical University named after Khachatur Abovian (ASPU)
  • Yerevan State Medical University (YSMU)
  • Vanadzor State University named after Hovhannes Tumanyan (VSU)
  • Yerevan Brusov State University of Languages and Social Sciences (YSULS)
  • Yerevan State University (YSU)
  • National Polytechnic University of Armenia (NPUA)
  • Institute for Informatics and Automation Problems of the National Academy of Sciences
  • of the Republic of Armenia (IIAP)
  • International Scientific-Educational Center of NAS RA (ISEC)
  • The Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sport of the Republic of Armenia (MESCS)
Project EU partners
  • Catholic University of Portugal (UCP) (Portugal)
  • University of Teramo (UNITE) (Italy)
  • Jean Moulin University Lyon 3 (JML3U) (France)
  • Vilnius University (VU) (Lithuania)
The action foresees
  • strengthening strategic, infrastructural & human capacities in Higher Education Institutions
    (HEIs) and Institutes of the National Academy of Sciences (SRIs), the Ministry of Education,
    Science, Culture and Sport of the Republic of Armenia;
  • development of national new policy and legal framework, including by-laws for doctoral
    education in Armenia and further approval by national Ministry for pilot implementation;
  • revision of institutional policies, procedures based on the redesigned national regulatory
    framework and design of the Institutional Handbook for Doctoral Education;
  • establishment and operationalization of 5 Doctoral Schools creating synergies between
    HEIs, SRIs and industry;
  • promotion of networking and long-term cooperation between Armenian and European HEIs
    for further internationalization of higher education research in Armenia.
The defense will take place during the meeting of the Specialized Council 037 “Informatics” at the Institute for Informatics and Automation Problems of NAS of RA on 15 July 2024 at 14.00. (See Abstract: Karen Karapetyan –
Construction of complete caps in affine AG(n, 3) and projective PG (n, 3) geometrics)

  • 0014, Yerevan, Republic of Armenia, 1, P. Sevak str.
  • Phone: (+37410) 28-20-50
  • E-mail: