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Aram Yesayan
Position: Scientific Researcher

Phone: (+374 60) 623568

  Titles, Degree

Ph.D in Mathematics,  Associate professor

Master degree   YSU, Faculty of Informatics and Applied Mathematics
  Professional Experience

Scientific Researcher   Laboratory of Information Theory and
Statistical Models Institute for Informatics
and Automation Problems of NAS RA

Lecturer   French University of Armenia,

Associate professor

  French University in Armenia, 2017
Head of Chair   Mathematics and Statistics,
French University (2007 - 2008)

Coordinator of Mathematics

  French University (2008-2017)

Head of Chair   Mathematics, French University, 2017

Lecturer of Chair   IT & Applied Mathematics at the
European Regional Academy (2008 -2017)

Associate professor   IT & Applied Mathematics at the
European Regional Academy, 2017
  Research Interests

Mathematical and Applied Statistics. Operations Research

  Selected Publications

Haroutunian E. A., Yessayan A. O. and Hakobyan P. M. “On reliability approach to multiple hypotheses testing and identification of probability distributions of two stochastically coupled objects\\\'\\\', International Journal “ Informations theories and Applications\\\" vol. 17, number 3, pp. 259 -- 288, 2010.

E. Haroutunian and A. Yessayan “On reliability approach to multiple hypotheses testing and to identification of probability distributions of two stochastically related objects”. IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory Proceedings , pp. 2671 -- 2675, 2011.

E. A. Haroutunian, P. M. Hakobyan and A. O. Yessayan  “On multiple hypotheses LAO testing with rejection of decision for many independent Objects” Proceedings of International Conference CSIT 2011,  pp. 117 -- 120, Yerevan 2011.

Yessayan A. O., “Computations of reliabilities interdependencies for optimal hypothesis testing  of distributions for pair of statistically dependent objects\\\", Mathematics in Higher School, vol. 7, number 2, pp. 5 -- 9, Yerevan 2011.

E. A. Haroutunian, A. R. Martirosyan and A. O. Yesayan, “On application of optimal multihypothesis tests for the bounds construction of stock market”,  Mathematical Problems of Computer Science, vol. 40, pp. 23--30, 2013.

E. A. Haroutunian, P. M. Hakobyan and A. O. Yessayan, “On LAO two-stage testing of multiple hypotheses concerning markov chain”, Mathematical Problems of Computer Science, vol. 41, pp. 63-73, 2014.

“Հավանականության տեսության և մաթեմատիկական վիճակագրության դասավանդման առանձնահատկությունները” Ե 583 Ուսումնամեթոդական ձեռնարկ, ԵԿՏԱ.:Հեղ, հրատ., 2016:

We invite the attention of Research and Educational institutions, Technological and other organizations involved in high-performance computing and big data analysis.

The Institute for Informatics and Automation Problems (IIAP) of the NAS RA and the Enterprise Incubator Foundation, with support of the Ministry of High-Tech Industry of the Republic of Armenia, are pleased to announce the availability of the "Aznavour" supercomputer's resources in the #EngineeringCity for a free during 2024.

To register, please visit:

  • 0014, Yerevan, Republic of Armenia, 1, P. Sevak str.
  • Phone: (+37410) 28-20-50
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