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Samvel Darbinyan
Position: Senior Scientific Researcher

Phone: (+374 77) 016070

  Titles, Degree

Diploma of PhD (Candidate degree in Mathematical Sciences)
Thesis - “Pancyclic and panconnected digraphs” 1981, Supreme
Certifying Commission of Soviet Union (Moscow, SU)

Diploma of Docent, 2011, Supreme Certifying Commission of Armenia


Yerevan State University, Department of Applied Mathematics

  Professional Experience

1967-1972   Department of Applied Mathematics Yerevan
State University


  Army Soviet Union


  Junior scientific researcher, Institute for Informatics
and Automation Problems of National Academy
Sciences of Armenia (IIAP)

1976-1979   Post-graduate of NAS RA

1980-1990   Scientific researcher IIAP NAS RA

1990-present   Senior researcher IIAP NAS RA
  Research Interests

Discrete Mathematics and Combinatorics, Cycles and paths in digraphs and tornaments, VlSI designes 

  Selected Publications

С. Х. Дарбинян, Обходы в регулярных турнирах. Тезисы док. Всесоюзной кон. по. пробл. Теор. Киб., Новосибирск, 1977, с 133-134.  

С. Х. Дарбинян, Обходы в турнирах, ДАН  Арм. ССР, т.66,  № 3,  1978, с.138-141.

С. Х. Дарбинян, О пансвязности турниров, Перепринт ВЦ АН Арм.ССР, Ереван, 1979, 15 с.

С. Х. Дарбинян,  О панциклических  орграфах, Препринт  ВЦ  АН  Арм.  ССР, Ереван, 1979, 21 с.

С. Х. Дарбинян, К. М. Мосесян, О панцикличности  регулярных орграфов, ДАН Арм. ССР, т.67,  № 4,  1978, с.208 -211. 

С. Х. Дарбинян,  Обходы в регулярных  турнирах, Математические  вопросы кибернетики и вычислительной техники   14, 1979, с.51-58. 

С. Х. Дарбинян,  Оценка длин контуров и путей в регулярных  направленных графов, Tanulma’nyok, № 135,  1982,  с. 131 - 144 (Budapest). 

С. Х. Дарбинян, Панцик. и пансвязныс. орграфы. Автореферат дссертации,  Минск, 1981, с. 11.

S.Kh. Darbinyan, Cycles of any length in digraphs with large semidegrees,  Akad. Nauk Armyan SSR Dokl., 75(4), 1982, 147-152, ( see  also American Math. Society Trans., Series 2, 1986, 104pp Hardcover Volume: 132).

S.Kh. Darbinyan, Disproof of a conjecture of Thomassen,    Akad. Nauk Armyan SSR Dokl., 76(2),  1983, 51-54.

S.Kh. Darbinyan, Pancyclicity of digraphs with the Meyniel condition, Studia Scientiarum Mathematicarum Hungarica 20, 1985, p. 95-117 (Ph..D. Thesis, Institute Mathematici Akad. Nauk BSSR, Minsk, 1981).

С. Х. Дарбинян, О панцикличности   направленных графов  с большими   полустепенями, Математические  вопросы кибернетики и вычислительной техники   14, 1985, с. 55-74 .

S.Kh. Darbinyan, On the pancyclicity of digraphs with large semidegrees,  Akad. Nauk Armyan SSR Dokl., 83(3),  1986, 99-101. (see also arXiv : 1111.1841v1, 8  Noember 2011).

S.Kh. Darbinyan, A sufficient condition for the Hamiltonian property of digraphs with large semidegrees,  Akad. Nauk Armyan SSR Dokl., 82(1),  1986,  6-8 (see also arXiv : 1111.1843v1, 8  Noember 2011). 

 S.Kh. Darbinyan, On the specified cycles in oriented graphs (in Russian),  Akad. Nauk Armyan SSR Dokl., 84(2),  1987, 51- 55.

S.Kh. Darbinyan, Hamiltonian and strongiy Hamilton-connected digraphs,   Akad. Nauk Armyan SSR Dokl., 91(1),  1990, 3-6.

С. Х. Дарбинян, Одно достаточное условие для  гамильтоновости   орграфов , ДАН Армении , т.91,  № 2,  1990, с. 57-59.

С. Х. Дарбинян, О некоторых свойствах путей  в  направленных графах,  ДАН Армении,  т.96,  № 1,  1996, с.8-12.    

S .Kh. Darbinyan, I. A. Karapetyan,    About  2-Syclic Orgraphs,    Mathematical Problems  of Computer science,  17, 1997, p. 22-29.

S.Kh. Darbinyan, I. A. Karapetyan,   On the Paths in Directed Graphs. Computer  Science and Information Technologies  ( CSIT) August 17-22, 1999, Yerevan, Armenia. 

S.Kh. Darbinyan, On hamiltonian bypasses in digraphs satisfying Meyniel-like conditions (in Russian), Mathematical Problems  of Computer Science  20, 1998, p. 7-19.

С.Х. Дарбинян, И.А. Карапетян,  Об одном методе  минимизации  площади  БИС, Математические  вопросы кибернетики и вычислительной техники  20,  1998, с.20-23.

S .Kh. Darbinyan, I. A. Karapetyan,   On vertex-pancyclic orgraphs with large semidegrees (in Russian),  Mathematical Problems  of Computer science,  29, 2007, 66-84.

S .Kh. Darbinyan, I. A. Karapetyan,   On cycles in orgraphs passing through a given vertex (in Russian),  Mathematical Problems  of Computer science,  31, 2008, 100-107.

S .Kh. Darbinyan, I. A. Karapetyan,  On longest cycles in orgraphs passing through a given vertex (in Russian),  Mathematical Problems  of Computer science,  31, 2008, 90-99.

S.Kh. Darbinyan, I.A. Karapetyan, Note on Short  Paths in Oriented  Graphs, Mathematical Problems  of Computer Science  33, 2010, p. 35-40.

Ս. Խ. Դարբինյան, Ի. Ա. Կարապետյան, Ուսումնական ձեռնարկ ՛՛Գրաֆների տեսության խնդրագիրք՛՛ՀՀ Կրթության և գիտության նախարարություն, Հայաստանի պետական ճարտարագիտական  համալսարան, Երևան, Ճարտարագետ, 2009 թ.

И.А. Карапетян, С. Х., Дарбинян, Однарадная трассировка. CSIT Conference, September 2007, Yerevan, Armenia.

И.А. Карапетян, С. Х., С. Х., Дарбинян, О двух задачах трассироеки. CSIT Conference, September –October , p. 439-442, 2009, Yerevan, Armenia. 

S.Kh. Darbinyan, I.A. Karapetyan, On Cycles Through Vertices of Large Semidegrees in digraphs, Mathematical Problems  of Computer Science  39, 2013, p.106-118.

S.Kh. Darbinyan, I.A. Karapetyan, A note on longest non-hamiltonian cycles in one class of digraphs, in: Ninth International Conference on Computer Science and Information Technologies, Article ID 10.1109/CSIT Thechol. 2013.67103337, Online]. Available: Recentlssue.jsp?punumber=6705335.

S.Kh. Darbinyan, I.A. Karapetyan, On Long Cycles in Digraphs with the Meyniel-type Conditions. Mathematical Problems  of Computer Science  38, 2012, p. 46-48.

S.Kh. Darbinyan, I.A. Karapetyan, On Hamiltonian Bypasses in one Class of Hamiltonian Digraphs, Mathematical Problems  of Computer Science  41, 2014, p.23-37.

S.Kh. Darbinyan, I.A. Karapetyan, On pre-Hamiltonian Cycles in Hamiltonian Digraphs, Mathematical Problems  of Computer Science  43, 2015, p.5-26.

S.Kh. Darbinyan, On Hamiltonian bypasses  in  digraphs with the condition of Y. Manoussakis, in: Tenth International  on Computer Science and Information Technologies, Article ID 10.1109/CSIT Thechol. 2015.7358250, [Online]. Available: Recentlssue.jsp?punumber=7321956.

S.Kh. Darbinyan,  Sufficient conditions for Hamiltonian Cycles in bipartite digraphs, arXiv: 1604.08773v1 [math CO] 29 Apr. 2016, pp. 14.

S.Kh. Darbinyan, On pre-Hamiltonian cycles in balanced bipartite digraphs, Mathematical Problems  of Computer Science  46, 2016,  p.7-17.

A S.Kh. Darbinyan, I.A. Karapetyan, On longest non-hamiltonian cycles in digraphs with the conditions Bang-Yensen, Gutin and Li, Discrete applied mathematics, v.216 P.3, 2017, p. 537-549.

S.Kh. Darbinyan, Sufficient conditions for a balanced digraph to be even pancyclic,  Abstracts, Armenian Mathematical Union, Annual Session 2017, Yerevan 2017, p. 22-24.

S.Kh. Darbinyan, I.A. Karapetyan, A sufficient condition for pre-Hamiltonian cycles in bipartite digraphs, arXiv: 1706.00233v1 [math CO] 1 Jun.  2017, pp. 15.

S.Kh. Darbinyan, On cyclability of digraphs with  a Manoussakis-type condition, (Armenian Mathematical Union, Annual Session 2015, Dedicated to 100 Anniversary of H. Badalyan, Yerevan 2015). Mathematical Problems  of Computer Science  47, 2017, p.15-29.

On November 7, 2024 at 14:00 the general seminar of IIAP will be held (the seminar's room, IV floor).

On the agenda
 there is the report of Edgar Vardanyan on "Analyzing Steady State Variance in Hebbian Learning: A Moment Closure Approach".

On November 14, 2024 at 14:00 the general seminar of IIAP will be held (the seminar's room, IV floor).


We invite the attention of Research and Educational institutions, Technological and other organizations involved in high-performance computing and big data analysis.

The Institute for Informatics and Automation Problems (IIAP) of the NAS RA and the Enterprise Incubator Foundation, with support of the Ministry of High-Tech Industry of the Republic of Armenia, are pleased to announce the availability of the "Aznavour" supercomputer's resources in the #EngineeringCity for a free during 2024.

To register, please visit:

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