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Artur Petrosyan
Position: Senior Scientific Researcher, Deputy Head of Lab.

Phone: (+374 10) 526742 - 2

  Titles, Degree

PhD in Technical Sciences


PhD Institute for Informatics and Automation Problems of NAS RA
Technical Translator State Engineering University of Armenia, Department of Social Specialties, Specialization: Technical Translator (English language)
Engineering Bachelor State Engineering University of  Armenia, Department of Informatics and Computer systems, Specialization: Software Development for Computing and Automation Systems
  Professional Experience

Leading participation in design, configuration, setup and system administration
of the Academic Scientific Network of Armenia (ASNET-AM,
Leading participation in "Creation of High-Performance Computation Cluster and Databases in Armenia" /“Armcluster” A-823/ project /
Leading participation Linux/Networking specialist in High-Performance Computing Infrastructure for South East Europe’s Research Communities (HP-SEE) project
Delivering Professional
Linux Training Courses various Training Centers and Universities
UNIX/Linux operating system
full maintenance (installation, configuration and administration)
Internet Services
DNS, E-mail (SMTP, POP, IMAP), HTTP/SSL, VPN, TCP/IP routing, firewalling, filtering
Large scale, high performance http cache engines design and configuration (Squid cache, etc).
  Research Interests

Scientific research and applied activity is related to the following areas of network and Internet services:

  • UNIX/Linux System Administration and Security
  • DNS (Domain Name Service) Administration and Security
  • E-mail/Webmail Administration and Security
  • SPAM Blocking Issues, SMTP/POP/IMAP protocols
  • Proxy Servers, Web-caching
  • Web Hosting, Web Servers/Browsers interoperability, web related protocols(HTTP/HTTPS/FTP,etc)
  • IPv6 protocol implementation for  various network services
  • Scientific Publications Access
  • Media Streaming
  • Network Application Security Issues
  • Networked information databases with Web-administration
  • Dynamic Web-programming

Research results are being implemented within the Scientific Research Computer Network of Armenia (ASNET-AM,

  Selected Publications

Petrosyan A. “Web Caching Proxies”, Proceedings of the conference CSIT’97, Yerevan 1997.

Petrosyan A. “Development of the Armenian Regional Academical Cache Service”, Poster Paper for the 3-rd International WWW Caching Workshop, Manchester, England, 1998.

Petrosyan A. “Использование распределенной иерархии кеш-прокси серверов для маршрутизации Web-трафика”. Сборник трудов ИПИА НАН РА. “Математические вопросы кибернетики и вычислительной техники”, вып. XIX, Ереван, 1998.

Petrosyan A., Tadevosyan R. “PORTA OPTICA STUDY – DISTRIBUTED GATEWAY TO EASTERN EUROPE”, Тезисы докладов научно-практической конференции по вопросам надежности и безопасности информационных систем, pp.43-44, Yerevan, 16-17.04.2007.

Shoukouryan Yu., Sahakyan V., Mkrtumyan I., Petrosyan A.,  Tadevosyan R., Zargaryan T. “Development of Armenian high-speed research and education interconnection network”, Proceedings of the International Conference “Information Technologies in Education in the 21st Century”, pp.191-197, Yerevan, 21-23.05.2007.

Nanasyan A.,Sahakyan V.,Petrosyan A., Petrosyan G., Gevorgyan D., Khachatryan K., Vardanyan E., “Mail Informer - Selective Incoming E-mail Instant Phone Notification System”, Proceedings of the Conference CSIT’2009, pp.466-467, Yerevan, 28.09-02.10.2009.

Petrosyan A.,  Prokhorenko E., “Улучшенная модель распределенной системы DNS для сети ASNET-AM”, Proceedings of the Conference CSIT’2013, pp. 387-388, Yerevan,23-27.09.2013,

Petrosyan A., “Implementation of Anti-Spam Techniques in ASNET-AM Network”, Proceedings of the Conference CSIT’2013, pp. 385-386, Yerevan, 23-27.09.2013,

Petrosyan A., Petrosyan G., “Research and Deployment of Improved Web Server Protection Methods”, Mathematical Problems of Computer Science 42, pp.81-84, 2014

Petrosyan A., Prohkorenko E., “Methods of Limiting the Domain Name Service Traffic Against Distributed Denial of Service Attacks”, Mathematical Problems of Computer Science 42, pp.107-112, 2014

The defense will take place during the meeting of the Specialized Council 037 “Informatics” at the Institute for Informatics and Automation Problems of NAS of RA on 14 February 2025 at 14.00. (See Abstract: Artur Vardanyan –
Study of Queues in a Multiprocessor Systems with a Waiting Time Restriction).

  • 0014, Yerevan, Republic of Armenia, 1, P. Sevak str.
  • Phone: (+37410) 28-20-50
  • E-mail: