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Arsen Mokatsian
Position: Senior Scientific Researcher

Phone: (+374 10) 536223, (+374 77) 317857

  Titles, Degree

Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Mathematics


Yerevan Polytechnical Institute, Faculty of  technical cybernetics

  Professional Experience

Senior Scientific Researcher   Institute for Informatics and  Automation Problems (IIAP) (2014 – at present )

Scientific Researcher   IIAP  (1993-2014)

Junior Scientific Researcher   IIAP  (1975-1993)
  Research Interests

Recursion Theory, Degrees of Unsolvability

  Selected Publications
Мокацян А.А., Некоторые свойства релятивизованных сложностей Колмогорова. Доклады АН Арм. ССР, т. LXIV, №2, 77-80, 1977.

Мокацян А.А., О  w-митотических, но не btt-митотических рекурсивно-перечислимых множествах. Сб. “Математи-ческие вопросы кибернетики и вычислительной техники”, Ереван,  т. X, 143-151, 1982.

Мокацян А.А., Нетотальность и минимальные  m-покрытия. Сб. “Математические вопросы кибернетики и вычислительной техники”, Ереван,  т. XVI, 68-75, 1986.

Mokatsian A.H., On upper cone of degrees containing T-mitotic but not wtt-mitotic sets. Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Science and Information Technologies CSIT’07, pp.55-56. Publishing House of  NAS of  RA, Yerevan, 2007.

Mokatsian A.H., On upper cone of T-degrees containing wtt-mitotic but not tt-mitotic sets. Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Science and Information Technologies CSIT’09, pp.54-56. Publishing House of  NAS of  RA, Yerevan, 2009.

Mokatsian A.H., On hypersimple wtt-mitotic sets which are not tt-mitotic. International Journal “Information Theories and Applications” (ITHEA), vol. 17, N. 3, pp. 215-225, Sofia, 2010.

Mokatsian A.H., T-completeness and tt-mitotic sets which are not btt-mitotic. Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Science and Information Technologies CSIT’11, pp.52-54. Publishing House of  NAS of  RA, Yerevan, 2011.

Mokatsian A.H., On the existence of the tt-mitotic low set, which is not btt-mitotic. Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Science and Information Technologies CSIT’13, pp.34-36. Publishing House of  NAS of  RA, Yerevan, 2013.

Mokatsian A.H., On the existence of the tt-mitotic low set, which is not btt-mitotic (Revised version), pp. 1-4, Publisher: IEEE, 2014.

Mokatsian A.H., On the tt-complete set which is tt-mitotic but not btt-mitotic. (Revised version).  pp. 37 - 40 , Publisher: IEEE, Date Added to IEEE Xplore: 17 December 2015.
We invite the attention of Research and Educational institutions, Technological and other organizations involved in high-performance computing and big data analysis.

The Institute for Informatics and Automation Problems (IIAP) of the NAS RA and the Enterprise Incubator Foundation, with support of the Ministry of High-Tech Industry of the Republic of Armenia, are pleased to announce the availability of the "Aznavour" supercomputer's resources in the #EngineeringCity for a free during 2024.

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