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Mikayel Khachatryan
Position: Senior Scientific Researcher

Phone: (+374 93) 614927

  Titles, Degree

Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor


Yerevan State University, Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics

  Professional Experience

58 years of Professional Experience, meanwhile 30 of years lecturer

  Research Interests

Mathematical Logic, Theory of Algorithms, Logic-mathematical Languages

  Selected Publications
Mikayel  H. Khachatryan, On Generalized Primitive Recursive String  Functions. IIAP of  NAS RA, Mathematical Problems of Computer Science 43, 2015, 42-46.

Մ. Հ. Խաչատրյան, Ալգորիթմների տեսություն, Ուսումնական ձեռնարկ, ՀՊՃՀ, Երևան, Ճարտարագետ, 2013, 192 էջ:

I.D. Zaslavsky and M. H Khachatryan, On the Comparative Complexity of Primitive Recursive Arithmetical and String Functions. IIAP of  NAS RA, Mathematical Problems of Computer Science 39, 2013, 81-87.

Khachatrian M. H. On the complexity of representation of functions obtained by word recursion. 23rd  Days of Weak Arithmetics, International conference, Yerevan, Armenia, June 2-5, 2004, Abstracts, p. 5.

М. А. Хачатрян. О сложности по выводимости некоторых формул в секвенциалных исчисленях. ДАН Арм. ССР, LXVII, 1978, 4, 198-202.

М. А. Хачатрян. О некоторых теоремах анализа в формальной системе Клини-Весли. Математические заметки, том 21, Выпуск 1, январь 1977, 109-116.

М. А. Хачатрян. Пример конструктивной недифференцируемой монотонной   функции. Известия АН Арм. ССР, Серия Математика, 1969, т. IV, 4, с. 296-299
We invite the attention of Research and Educational institutions, Technological and other organizations involved in high-performance computing and big data analysis.

The Institute for Informatics and Automation Problems (IIAP) of the NAS RA and the Enterprise Incubator Foundation, with support of the Ministry of High-Tech Industry of the Republic of Armenia, are pleased to announce the availability of the "Aznavour" supercomputer's resources in the #EngineeringCity for a free during 2024.

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