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Scientific Information Analysis and Monitoring Center

Head of Department:    Shushanik Sargsyan

Phone:  (+37460) 623553


Center for Scientific Information Analysis and Monitoring (CSIAM) is acting within the Institute of Informatics and Automation problems, NAS RA starting from January, 2010. CSIAM is composed of three subdivisions:

  1. Research and Forecast;
  2. Data Collection and Elaboration;
  3. Statistics and Analysis.

These subdivisions study the issues of science and technology development, implement monitoring of the field, prepare statistical and analytical data, as well as make predictions and assessments of the field of science in the Republic of Armenia. 


  • Scientometrics

    Head of Direction    Shushanik Sargsyan

    See more  

  Current Projects

Starting form 2013 CSIAM jointly with the Russian Scintific Electronic Library (eLibrary) is implementing the project “Assessment of Scientific Activity of Scientific Ties between the RA and RF Researchers Based on Citation Databases”. Within the project the bibliometric description of the Armenian journals for 2007-2012 was prepared. We have made data cleaning for the Armenian authors and organizations registered in E-Library. Dozens of Armenian journals were also registered and indexed in eLibrary databases. 
We have also implemented a bibliometric research of joint Armenian-Russian scientific grants organized by the State Committee of Sciences of the RA and the Russian Foundation for Humanities Scientific and the Russian Foundation for Basic Research. 
For this purpose we have used three databases: AINC, RINC and WOS. 
CSIAM together with some other Armenian, Georgian and European institutions and universities is a partner in one of the TEMPUS projects “ARMAZEG: Life-long Learning in Transcaucasia: E-Learning”. The aim of this project is to import and develop the idea of E-Learning in partner institutions.


Selected Publications

The defense will take place during the meeting of the Specialized Council 037 “Informatics” at the Institute for Informatics and Automation Problems of NAS of RA on 15 July 2024 at 14.00. (See Abstract: Karen Karapetyan –
Construction of complete caps in affine AG(n, 3) and projective PG (n, 3) geometrics)

  • 0014, Yerevan, Republic of Armenia, 1, P. Sevak str.
  • Phone: (+37410) 28-20-50
  • E-mail: